Logo sketches
Logo sketches
Interior wall sketches
Interior wall sketches
Exterior wall sketches
Exterior wall sketches
Narrative literature sketches
Narrative literature sketches
Interior wall design one - Exhibit entrance
Interior wall design one - Exhibit entrance
Interior wall design two - Artwork displays
Interior wall design two - Artwork displays
Interior wall design three - Informational panel
Interior wall design three - Informational panel
Exterior wall design
Exterior wall design
Interior wall one - Exhibit Entrance
Interior wall one - Exhibit Entrance
Interior wall two - Artwork displays
Interior wall two - Artwork displays
Interior wall three - Informational displays
Interior wall three - Informational displays
Exterior wall design
Exterior wall design
Behind The Legendarium
Museum Exhibition
Behind the Legendarium is a museum exhibition centered around the life and works of the legendary author and artist, J.R.R. Tolkien. For this project, I designed three interior wall graphics, one exterior graphic, and a printed narrative element.
Applications: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Sketch, Adobe Draw, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom
Equipment: Canon EOS 80D
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